Page 13 - pte 2 2020
P. 13
I Read the Seсtion 1 task instructions and Iook с How muсh time do you have to read eaсh
at theсtasks on pages 12-13. question before you listen to the reоording?
a How many questions are there? d How much time do you have to choose and
b How many possible answers are there for write your answer?
each question?
1 Look at question '1 on page 12and the three 4 Q t-ooк at question 5 and Iisten to the
plaоes mentioned in the options given' Answer reоording. Answer these questions.
these questions. a Has the bus stopped?
а Where might you find vaIuabIe books?
b What has broken down? The bus or
b Where оan you see сollections of things another vehicle?
on show?
с Does the girl hAve a ticket for the bus?
с Where might you need to buy a ticket?
5 ln question 7, each option foоuses'on different
2 Look at question 2 and read the three possible features of the film. What are they?
answers. Answer these questions.
a What is the key word in each option? 6 @ listen to the reсording for question 7.
Answer these questions.
b What phrases сan you use to remind a Was the ending to the film easy to predict?
someone to do something?
b Did the main actor perform well in the film?
с What phrases can you use to suggest
something to someone? с Did the man enjoy the band?
d What phrases сan you use to invite someone 7 Read question I0. What information might the
to do something? man get about each of the answer options?
з ln question 3, the possible answers are all
about a shirt, but eaоh one has a different
focus. What is the question asking you to
listen for?
Q шow listen to the reоording for question 2 5 ln question 9, whiсh of the words or
and answer the question. lf you сan, note the expressions would you expect to hear for eaсh
language they use that gives you the answer. option? Can you guess other vocabulary that
you might hear?
2 ln question 4 options, there are three kinds
of objeоts mentioned. What are they? Тhink cheaper cIose to eхpensive near to
of 3-5 items of voоabulary that relate to swimming
each one.
6 @ шow Iisten to the сomplete set of
3 ln question 6, what key words would you reсordings for Section 1 and cheсk
expeсt to hear for each option? УoUr answers.
4 Read question 8. What is the key word in eaсh
answer option? Why?
LlsТЕNlNG sЕстloN l lt