Page 17 - pte 2 2020
P. 17
I Read the Section 2 task instructions on с How many times wiIl you hear the reсording
page 16. played with pauses?
a What is the radio programme going to d What should you make sure is correct?
'be about?
b How many times will you hear the whole
reоording played?
Foсus on the questions
Look at the instruсtions for the task again. 2
't Why might a speaker be asked to talk about
What voоabulary do you know that relates to mobile phones on a radio show?
the subject of mobile phones? Can you think of
ten words or phrases on this topic? Write them
1 @ listen to the reсording for the task and 4 Now read through your notes. What kind of
play it the whole way through. Write down any words (for example, prepositions such as on,
key words you hear. These are usually verbs for, to) are still missing? Try to guess what
and nouns. the missing words might be and write them
in using a different сoIour pen. Use your
2 Q listen to the same recording a seсond time. knowledge of grammar and topic voсabulary to
Answer these questions as you listen. Тhen help you. lf possible, talk about your ideas with
оheсk your spelling. Add these answers to the a partner.
notes you have from question 1. lf it is easier,
make a new set of notes. Make sure you leave 5 @ шow listen to the reоording with pauses
spaоe to add other words to them. again to оheck your ideas. Correсt your notes
as you listen. Don't forget to check your
a What adjective is used to desсribe eхpert?
spelling and make sure you have the correct
b What adjective is used to describe phones? form of words (e.9. fo, two, too or four, for).
c Who does the expert want to help us stay 6 Look at your notes. Did you make any
in сontaсt with?
mistakes? What spelling mistakes did you
d What kind of deals does the expert tell make? Make a list of ways you can do better at
us about? this task the next time you try it.
з @ шsten to the recording again. Add any 7 @ шow Iisten to the reсording again and check
linking words or phrases you hear to your your answers.
notes. Check they are in the correct place and
check your punctuation.
LlsТЕNlNG sЕстloN 2 l5