Page 8 - pte 2 2020
P. 8
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о This book сontains f]vе сomplеtе pгaсtiсe
tеsts, whiсh aге modеllеd on thе task
typеs you wiII find in thе Pearson Test
of Еnglish Gеneral (Peorson Еnglish
l ntern otionol Сertifi cote)'
o Test l pгovidеs speсifiс guidanсе and tips Ы
foг еaсh sесtion ofthe test and its tasks.
Тhis is donе thгough an Оvеrview of еaсh
skill sесtion (listеning, геading, wгiting and
spеaking)' How to pages that givе you
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tips and guidanсe on аppгoaсhing еaсh o-''* * '"* ,ф* "__"-
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sесtion tasl< and Troining pagеs wheге you
сan pгaсtiсе with thе tasl< s inTest l with
additionaI guidanсe and support.
.Test 2 pгovidеs tip stгips, whiсh givе you dеtaiIеd
suppoгt with еaсh task in thе tеst.Tips aге foсusеd \ф* Ьskф.и_Lф.'A
on spесifiс questions and hеlp you to lеaгn about
what you nееd to do to answег them.
о Tests 3-5 aге pгaсtiсе tests without support oгtips,
aге foг you to pгaсtiсе with eaсh task typе on
your own.
@ EGБы
о VisuaIs for the Speal< ing Test pagеs, Ioсatеd at 9ё з9
thе baсk bfthе book, aге whеге you сan flnd alI the
visual aids and еxaminег гolе сaгds you will nееd to ы
pгaсtiсе thе spеaking tasks, Usе thеsе to lеaгn about @ / I.r* '-..* "* "-- I
thе kinds of matегials you will sее in thе speaking
sесLions of thе tеst oг to praсtisе doing thе task
typеs with a fгiеnd.
Е@ щ
о Speaking banks at thе baсk ofthе book, offег
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dеtailed guidanсe on Sесtions l0_l З of thе test.
Тhеsе pagеs fеatuге speaking tasks from the
tеsts, give you hеlpful Тest Тiрs, Useful Longuoge
and pгaсtiсе aсtivitiеs to hеlp you PГеPaге fiэrthе ЕЕ'
Spеaking tеst.