Page 7 - pte 2 2020
P. 7

Seсtion  Tasl<           Sl< ills Тested  and  objeсtivеs  Tasl<   dеsсription             Sсore

          7        Tеxt/notе       Reading                   Tеst takегs  геad  a tеxt  and  usе  infoгmation  7
                   сompletion      Аssеssеs  ability  to  еxtгaсt  fгom  it to fiIl sеvеn  gaps  in an  inсomplеtе  tеxt
                                   speсifiс  infoгmation  fгom  an  oг  notеs.Thеrе  aГе  sеVеn  gaps to  сomplеtе'
                                   еxtеndеd  wгittеn  tеxt.  onе souгсе  tеxt  and  a sеt of  notеs,
          I        Write           Writing                   Ъst  takers  writе  an  еmaiI,  formal  or  infoгmal  l0
                   сorrespondеnсe  Аssеssеs  ability  to  wгitе  a  lеttег  basеd  on information  given  in Sесtion  7
                                   piесе  of  сoггqspondеnсe.  Thеre  is onе  tеxL  to  writе  (90-  l 20 words).
          9        Writе  text     Writing                   Теst  takеrs  wгitе  a piесе  of  fгее  writing  fгom  t0
                                   Assеssеs  abiIity  to wгitе  a сhoiсе  of two  givеn  topiсs.Тhе  form  of
                                   a shoгt  tеxt  fгom  own  thе  rеsponsе  may Ье:faсtuaI  (a blog  еntгy,
                                   expегiеnсе,  knowlеdgе  oг  'artiсlе,  instгuсtions),  сritiсal  (a геviещ  rеport,
                                   imagination.              еssay)  oг  analytiсal  (еssay  analysis  of issuе  oг
                                                             aгgumеnt,  еxplanation),Thеге  is one  tеxt  to
                               з                             wгitе  ( l50-200  woгds)'

           Part  2z Speaking  Test

         ТhеSpeakingtеstisdividеdintofouгsесtionsatLevеl   2(Bl),whiсhaгеsесtions  l0' ll'  l2and  lЗ. Еaсhseсtionfoсusеson
         a diffеrent  speaking  skilIs  and  abilitiеs.
         Duгing  this  paгt  of thе tеst,  a tеst  takег  sits  with  an  еxaminen

         Тhе totaI timе  foг  сomplеting  this papег  is 7 minutеs  and  еaсh  sесtion  has  its own timе  limits.
         Тhе total  possiblе  sсoгеs  for Sесtions  l0  -   IЗ  is 25  points.

          Seсtion  Task             Sl< ills Тestеd  and     Тasl<   desсription                  Sсore
                                    objeсtivеs                                                    points
           t0      Sustained        Speal< ing               Test  takеЁs  spеak  unintеггuptеd  in геsponsе
                   monologue        Аssеssеs  ability  to spеak  to  a main  pгompt  fгom  thе еxaminег  (up  to
                   ( /.5  minutеs)  about  matt'егs  of  pегsonal  l minute).  Follow-up  questions  aге  askеd  to
                                    information  and  intеrеst'  еnсouгagе  thе  tеst  takeг  to сontinuе  talking,
           ll      Disсussion       Speaking                 Теst  takегs  give  and  suppoгt  opinions  on

                   (2 minutes)      Assеssеs  ability  to  disсuss  a  a topiс  in гesponsе  to pгompts  put  Ьy thе  25 sсoге
                                    сonсгеtе  oг  an  abstгaсt  issuе,  еxaminеn                   points
                                                                                                   in total;
           t2      Desсribe  piсture  Speaking               Теst  takегs  dеsсгibe  a piсtuге  in гesponsе  to  distгibutеd
                   (/'5  mlnutеs)   Assеssеs  ability  to  spеak  questions  posеd  by thе  еxaminеr:  aсross  thе
                                    сontinuously  about  a piсtuгe                                 marking
                                    and  intеrpгеt  somе  aspесt                                   сгitеria
                                    of  it.
           lз      Role  play       Speaking                 Теst  takегs  takе  paгt  in a гolе  play  with
                   (2 minutes)      Assеssеs  ability  to pеrГorm  thе  intегloсutoг  using  a гolе  сard with
                                    and  геspond  to  languagе  infoгmation  and  instгuсtions.
                                    fu  nсtions  appгopгiatеly

                                                                                            тEsт oVERVIEW            5
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