Page 6 - pte 2 2020
P. 6
Тhе Pеorson Тest of Еnglish Generol, papег-basеd tеst, LеvеI 2 (othегwisе known as PТЕ Generol oг Peorson English
InternotionolСertifiсаte),isanaссгeditеd'ЕSoLIntегnational'qualifiсationatBl IеvеI.Thеtеstisdesignedtoassеsstеst
takегs fouг main skills in English (Reading, Listеning, Wгiting and Spеaking) thгough a vaгiеty of гeaI-Iife tasks; fгom wгiting
in diffегеnt formats and undеrstanding a vaгiеty of spokеn and wгittеn matегiaIs, to paгtiсipating in сonveгsations. Thе tеst
takегs skills aге tеstеd in all fouг skiIIs aгеas, aссoгding to'thе dеsсгiptoгs outlined in the Сommon Еuropeon Fromework of
Referеnсe for Longuoges (CЕFR) at a B l lеvеl.
Thе tеst has two parts; a wгittеn papег and a Spеaking tеst, ln thе wгittеn papе1 test takегs must сomplеtе tasks that
assеss thеiг Listеning, Rеading and Wгiting skills. Тhе Spеaking tеst assеssеs tеst takегs сommuniсative abilitiеs in fouг
diffегеnt situations.
Part l: Written Paper
Тhе writtеn paper is dividеd into nine sесtions, еaсh seсtion foсusing on a diffeгеnt skill aгеa. Тhе totaI timе foг сompleting
this papег is I houг and З5 minutеs, Thе total possiblе sсoгеs foг Sесtions l-9 is 75 points.
Seсtion Tasl< Sl< ills Tested and Тasl< desсription Sсore
objeсtives points
3-option Listеning Tеst takегs listеn onсе to tеn short rесoгdings' t0
multiplе Аssеssеs ability to еithег monologuеs oг dialoguеs, and answеr a single
сhoiсe undегstand the gist of shoгt З-option multrplе сhoiсе quеstion (or сomplеtе a
spokеn uttегanсеs. sеntenсе) for еaсh,Тheге aге tеn quеstions to answeг
(or sеntenсеs to сompletе); one PеГ гесoгding,
2 Diсtation Listening and Writing Test takегs Iistеn to onе PеГson spеaking and wгitе 5 Listеning
Assеssеs ability to еxaсtly what is hеaгd with сoггесt spеllings.Тhе 5Wгiting
undеrstand an еxtеndеd еxtгaсt is playеd twiсе, thе sесond timе with pausеs,
uttегanсе by tгansсгibing a giving timе to wгitе down woгd-foрwoгd what is
spokеn tеxt. heaгd.Thеrе is onе diсtation to сomplete and onе
з Text/note Listening Ъst takегs listеn twiсе to two reсoгdings, еither a l0
сompletion Аssеssеs ability to еxtгaсt monologuе oг dialoguе, and сomplеtе a tеxt or notеs
spесif'iс information fгom for еaсh using thе infoгmation hеard'Тhеге aге tеn
еxtеndеd sрokеn tеxts. gaps to сomplеtе; fivе pег гесoгding,
4 Gap fill, Reading Tеst takегs геad five short texts, еaсh сontaining a 5
3-option Аssessеs ability to gap, and сhoosе whiсh of thгeе answеГ options is
multiple undегstand thе purposе, thе missing word oг phгase.Thеге aге fivе gaps to
сhoiсe stгuсture and main idеa of сomplеtе; onе pег tеxt.
shoгt wгitten texts'
5 3'option Reading Ъst takегs геad a text and answеr fivе questions 5
graphiсal Assеssеs ability to (oг сomplеtе fivе sеntеnсеs) fгom a сhoiсе of thгее
multiple undегstand thе main idеas answeГ options.Тhеге aге fivе answеrs to сhoosе and
сhoiсе in an еxtеndеd wгitten tеxt. onе tеxt,
6 opеn- Reading Tеst takегs геad two texts and answeГ еight quеstions I
ended Аssеssеs abiIity to about thеm using singlе woгds oг shoгt answегs.
question undегstand thе main points Тhеге aгe еight questions to answеr; fouг pег tеxt.
ofshoгt and extеndеd
wгittеn tеxts,
4 тЕsт ovERVlEW