Page 9 - pte 2 2020
P. 9


         .  Writing  banks  at thе  baсk  of thе  book,  offег dеtailed
           guidanсe  on thе  tasl< s  in Seсtions  B and 9  of  thе  wгittеn
          .  paper:Тhеsе  pagеs  fеatuгe writing  tasks  from  the  tests
           and somе  SompleАnswers.You  сan also  f'ind  Тest  Тips,
            Useful  Longuoge  and  idеas  foг Plonning   уour  writing'
           Тhе  pagеs  pгovidе  a wгiting  Сheсklist  for  еaсh  type  of
           tеxt  fеatuгed,  as wеll as Proсtice  Aсtiyities  to  hеlp  you

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         о  А Grammar  bank  at  thе  baсk  of thе  book,  has  gгammaг
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            еxplanations  and  pгaсtiсе  aсtivitiеs  at  B l  IеvеI  for еxtгa
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         Тhе additional  геsourсes  whiсh  suppoгt  the  book  aге  availablе  onIine  on thе  Peorson Еnglish  Portol
         at https://pearson.сom/еngIish/portal.html.

         Thеsе  геsouгсes  inсludе:
         о  Audio  to aссompany  the  tasks  in thе  book.  and audio  sсripts.
         о  Spеaking  video  of  a studеnt  and  an  еxaminеr  doing thе  spеaking  sесtions  of thе  tеst,  as wеlI  as
           .  worl< sheets  to  usе  whilе  watсhing.
         о  ЕxPеrt fеedbaсk  on thе  spеaking  vidеos  and  thе studеnt's  pеrГormanсе.
         о  Writing  worksheets  foсusеd  on  wгiting  foгms  intгoduсеd  in thе  book.
         о  Voсabulary  maPs  with  topiсs  сoverеd  in thе  book.
         o  lnfoгmation  on how to  improvе  Speaking,  Reading,Writing  and  Listening  skills.
         .  A student's  Guide  to thе  Computer  Based  Tеst.

           Pearson  Praсtiсe  Еnglish  App

         You  сan also  find PTЕ Generol  гesouгсеs  foг  pгaсtiсe  on thе  Peorson  Proсtiсe  Еnglish  app.  Crеatе
          an aссount  using youг  aссеss сodе via the  Peсrson  Еnglish  Poпol  oг diгeсtly  on thе app  on  a mobiIе
          dеviсe.Тhe  гesouгсеs  availabIе  inсludе:
         о  Audio  fгom  thе  book
         о  SPеakingTestVideos
          о  Additional  praсtiсe  with 2B0  voсabulaгy  itеms'  takеn  fгom  thе  topiсs  сovегеd  in the  book.

           Ready  test

          lf you  would  Iikе  to sее  how  you  might  pегГoгm  in thе  Pearson  Ъst of  Еnglish  Genегal,  go to the
          RеadyТеst  at engIish.сom/rеadytеst  and  takе  a tеst to  flnd out!Тhe  tеst  will bе  launсhеd  in
          Autumn  2020!

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