Page 10 - pte 2 2020
P. 10



                    ТhеPeorson  ЕnglishlnternotionolСertifiсote  сomputeг-basеdtеst,isЬuiltonthesolidfoundationsofthepapевbasеdtеst
                    геtaining  many  of thе fеaturеs  that  makе  PTЕ  Generol-a  геIiablе  and  tгustеd  Еnglish  language  tеst.  Howеvеr]  it  is also diffегеnt
          J         to thе  papегbasеd  tеst  in sеvегal  ways:
          Z           Comparison  of PТЕ  General  Tests
          U           Delivery       Computer-basеd  Test                     Paper-basеd  Test

          F           Length         Undеr  2  houгs                           l.5_З  hours
                     Levels          Standaгd  foгmat  aсгoss  six tеst  Iеvеls  in thе  tеst  Standaгd  foгmat  aсгoss  six tеst  lеvеIs  in  thе  tеst
                                     suitе  foсusеd  on CЕFR  lеvеls  (А  l  ,  A2,  B  l  ,  82,  с  l
                                                                              suitе  foсusеd  on СEFR  lеvеls  (A  l  , A2'  B  I  ,  82' с  l
                                     and  С2).                                and  С2).

                     GSЕ  and  CЕFR  All six  lеvеls  tеst  А  l to  C2  on thе  Common  Аll fouг  Iеvеls  tеst A l to  C2  on thе Сommon
                                     Euгopеan  Fгamеwoгk.  Тhе  tasks  in thе  tеst  havе  Еuгopеan  Fгamеwoгk.
                                     bееn  сгеatеd  in linе  with  thе GSE  sсalе,  whiсh  wiII
                                     Iink  into  sсoгing  in latе  202l'

                     Languagе  skills  Assеssеs  all  four  skilIs  (listеning,  гeading,  writing  Assеssеs  aII fouг  skills  (listеning,  геading,  writing
                                     and  spеaking)  through  integratеd  digital  tasks.  and  speaking)  thгough  tasks in  a wгittеn  papег
                                                                              and  an  oгal test.

                     Task  types    Thеге  aге  l 2 task  typеs  in thе  tеst.  АIl  l 2 task  Тhеге  aге  l 3 task  tyреs  in thе  tеst  at  B I lеvеl.
                                    typеs  intеgгatе  sl< ills  in Еnglish,  aсгoss  diffегеnt  Тhгее ofthе  task  typеs  aгe paгt  ofthе  oгal tеst'
                                    kinds of  digital  tasks.

                     Тest delivery  Тhe  entirе  tеst  is takеn  on a сomputеr:  Теst  wiIl  Тhе  tеst  is split  into  a wгittеn  papег  (Iistening,
                                    bе  avaiIablе  on dеmand  basеd  on  test  сentге  геading  and wгiting)  and  an oгal  spеaking  tеф
                                    availability                              Tеsts  aге  sсhеduIеd  aсГoss  sеVеn  sеssions  pег
                                                                              yеan  at tеst  сеntгеs,

                     Sсoring        Computеr-sсored                           Human  maгking

                     Sсore rePorts  RеsuIts  will be availablе  two  wееks  aftеr  taking  thе  RеsuIts  aге avaiIablе  fivе  to  еight  wеeks  aftеr
                                    tеst.  Sсoгe  геpoгts  wilI  show  thе  lеvеl  еarnеd  by  taking  the  tеst'  Sсoге  геpoгt  shows  thе  ovегall
                                    the  tеst  takеr  as  wеII  as infoгmation  on stгеngths,  sсoге  and  thе  skilIs  sсoгеs.
                                    wеaknеssеs  and  a rесommеndеd  lеaгning  path.

                    Foг  morе  information  on thе  сomputег-basеd  test:

         B          PТE  GЕNЕRАL
   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15