Page 42 - pte 2 2020
P. 42

I    Read the Section  8 task  instructions  on         d  What kind  of language  are  you  going  to  try
                          page  41.                                             and  use:  formal  or informal?
                          a  You  will  have  to use information  from       e What  subject  are  you asked  to  write  about?
                             another  section  of  the test.  Which  one?
                                                                             f  How many  pieces  of information  do  you
                          b  What  do  you  have  to  write?  (e.9.  an email  or  have  to  write  about?
                             a letter?)
                                                                             g  How many  words  do  you  have  to  write?
                          о  Who  are  you  going  to  write to?

                     I    Write  down  a few  ideas.  Whiсh  idea  might  be  f  How  will  you  end  your  email?  Remember
                          easier  to write  about?                              who  you  are  writing  to.
                     2    What ideas  or  information  from  the  teхt  in  4  After  you  have  written  your  email,  answer  these
                          Section  7 could  be  useful?  Remember  you       questions.  Тhen  use  them  to  help  you make
                          оan't copy  whole  phrases,  but  you  сan  Use    your  email  better.
                          ideas from  the  reading  text.                    a  Have  you  answered  the  question?
                     3    Read the  instruсtions  again  and  answer  these  b  Have  you  included  information  on the three
                          questions  to  help  you  plan  your  answer.         points given  in the task?
                          а Why  are  you  writing  th-is  emaiI?            c  Have  you  written  between  70-90  words?  Do
                                                                                you  need  to write  more?  Can  you add  a few
                          b How  willyou  start  it?
                                                                                extra  words  or  an extra  pieсe  of information?
                          с  What  is  the  main  subject  you  have  to write  Or do need  to make  your  email  shorter?
                             about?  Think  about  what  you  оan  say.      d  Does  your  email  make  sense?
                          d Can  you explain  how  doing  this  activity     e  ls  the  language  used  informal?
                             makes  you  feel? What kind  of adjectives      f  Have  you оheсked  your  grammar  and
                             could  you  use?                                   vocabulary?  If you  have  a Iist  of the  errors
                                                                                you  usually  make,  use this  to  help  you.
                          e What  is  the  last thing  you  have to  do?  What
                            .language  can  you  use  to do  this?           g  Have  you checked  punсtuation  and  spe|ling
                                                                                are correct?

                     I    Read  a student's  answer  to  question  47   2     Look  at the sentenсes  be|ow.  Choose  the
                          on page  41.  Choose  the correct  options  to     сorrect  words  to |ink  ideas together.
                          оomplete  their  email.                            a  I am writing  to  give  you  some  tips  of  where
                                                                                to visit however  / since  / when  уou  are
                      1Hi  / Bуe Claire,                                        visiting  my оountry  next  year.
                      How  are  you?  Have  I  said  / told  you  about  my  b'  My  family  is  visiting  Canada  in June  but /
                      favourite  hobby?  It's  horse-riding.  I really  love  it and
                      |'veЗ  made/  doлe  lots of friends  at the club  too.  Last  although  / so  I wanted  to  ask  you  what  the
                      weekend  was really  fun. We  4took/gave   the  horses    weather  like  then.
                      out  on  the beaсh.  My  horse   5loves/is   loving  going  с  We  don't  often  have time  to go  to the  beaоh,
                      fast so  it was really  exciting  and  l felt fantastiс.  although  / but when  / however  we  do  get  the
                      6Could/Would   уou  like to  come  horse-riding  with
                      me  when  you  visit  me next  month?  I think  you'd     chancо,  l like going  surfing  with  my  brother.
                      enjoy  it. We couId  going  / go to the beaсh  if you  d  I have to  go now,  while  / but  / then don'I
                      like!                                                     forget  to  tell when  you're  planning  to  visit
                      ssee/  Lookyou  soon,                                     next  month.

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