Page 45 - pte 2 2020
P. 45

I     Read the  instructions  for the  Section  9 tasks  с  What  are  the two  text types?
             on page'44.                                        d  What  kind  of language  should  you use  for
             a How many  questions  are  there  in this  part of  each:  formal  or  informal?
               the test?
                                                                e How many  words  do  you have  to write?
             b How many  questions  do  you  have
               to answer?

        I    Look  at the first task  in question  48.  Read    b Think  of  other  things  that  young  people
             these  points  and  answer  the  questions  below.   might  like  to have  or  be able  to do.  What  do
             Тhey  wilI help  you  plan your  answer.             you  think  is missing  and might  be something
             a Read the  report  and  then  look  at the          young  people  want?  ls  there  also anything
               question.  Do you  have  a favourite  film?  lf    that  your  area  has  now but  that  needs
               not, сan  you  think  of a film  you really  like?  looking  after  better?  Write  down  a few  ideas.
               Тry to choose  a film that  is  easy  to describe.  с  Now  оhoose  your  favourite  two  (or possibly
             b  Think  about  why  you  like this  film  so  muсh.  three)  ideas  -  remember  you have  a word
               What  type of film  is  it?  (e'g. romantiо,  horror,  limit  so  you  won't  be  able  to write about  all
               oomedy)What  is it about?  Where  does  it         of  your  ideas.
               happen?  Who  are the  main  сharacters?  Why    d  Think  more  about  your  two  (possibly  three)
               do you  Iike it so  muсh?  WouId  you  suggest     main  ideas.  What  other  information  can
               that  others  see  this  film?  Why?               you add to  them?  Can  you say  why each
                                                                  of these  is  a  good  idea  and how  they  might
        2    Now  look  at the second  task  in question  48.
             Read  these  points  and  answer  these  questions.  improve  young  people's  Iives?  You may  only
             a  Тhink  about  the  area  where  you  live'  What  is  have  to  write  about  two  ideas.
               there for young  people  to do?  What places   3  Look  at  your  planning  notes  for tasks  1 and  2
               can they  go to? Make  a list.                   above.  Whiсh  task do  you  feel  more  confident
                                                                about?  Choose  which  task  on page  44 you
                                                                will  answer.

        I    Read  a student's  answer  to the second  task     Perhaps  the  сlub  could  offer  different  activities,
             in  question  48. Complete  it using  the  linking            table  tennis  or  games  and  even  do
             words  and  phrases  from  the  box.               events  4         discoq
              at the  moment  believe  firstly  however         Something  else that young  people  enjoy  is
              like  my opinion  or such  as                     watching films.5          they  have  to
                                                                travel  to  the  next  town  if they  want  to  go  to  the
             Whilst  my  town already  has  some  good          cinema.6            this is  rather  expensive.  It
             activities  for young  people,  for example,  at the  would  be  better  to supporl  a local  cinema  with
             loсal spor.ts  centre,  l сan  think  of  a number  this money           to perhaps  show films
             of  things  that  сouId  make  the town better.    somewhere,  for example,  at the  'new'youth
                                                                                  these  ideas  would  give
             '-,         a youth  сlub.  A youth  club would    сIub.  l
                                                                young  people  more  things  to do and make  the
             give  young  people  somewhere  to  go  in  the
             evenings  and  at weekends.  In        this        local  area  a niоer  plaсe.
             is  when  there  is often  very  little  for them  to do.

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