Page 50 - pte 2 2020
P. 50

1    Read the Section  10 task  instruсtions  on        b How many  questions  are  there  in each set?
                           page  49.
                                                                              с  What kind  of questions  are these  generally?
                           а How many  topics  are  given  and  what  do
                             they  focus  on?                                 d  What  other type of questions  are  there?

                      1    Look at the first  question  in Topic  1 on page   a  give  ideas  on  what  people  сan do
                           49.  Then  read the students'  answers  below.     b describe  positive  points  about  something
                           Choose  the  best  answer  and  give  a reason.
                                                                              с  give  a preferenоe  and  a reason
                           a  l Iove eating  fish  and  сhips.  Тhere's  a really
                             nice  cafё  near  my  home  where  l go  to eat  it  d  give  a reason
                           b Ithink  my  perfeоt  meaIwouId  be noodles  4    Look  at Topic 3 on  page 49.  Give  yourself  30
                             with  chiсken  and  vegetables.  l reaIly  enjoy  seconds  and make  a Iist  of different  events
                             how  my  Dad  сooks  it  -  it always  tastes    people  celebrate.  Choose  your  favourite
                                                                              сelebration'  Then  answer  these  questions.
                             fantastiс.  He cooks  it most  weekends.  l
                             hope  he'll  show  me  how  to сook  it one  day!  a  What  does  it celebrate?
                                                                              b  When does  it take  place?
                           с l really  enjoy  eating  chicken  and riсe.  My
                             Mum сooks  it really  well.                      с  Who do  you celebrate  it with?
                                                                              d  What happens  at this celebration?
                      2    Look  at the  extra  questions  from Topic  1 on
                           page  49.  Match  two  of them  to  the student's  5  Look  at the Topic 4 question  on page  49.  Make
                           answers  (a-b).                                    a list  of  jobs  whiоh  you  think  should  receive
                                                                              the  highest  salaries'  Еxplain  why  you  feel these
                           а lthink  peopIe  eat  more  fast  food  and  street  jobs  should  be  paid  so well.
                             food'  l think  that's  beоause  everyone  is so
                              busy.  I think  it's sad  though  as less  people  6  Look  at the first  question  in  the  extra  questions
                             are  оooking  food  at home  and  eating  with   in  Topic  4. Which  word  should  you  underline
                             their families.                                  and  try to use  in your  answer?
                           b  A lot  of  people  like eating  pasta  and
                            '  seafood.  We have  it with  different  sauces  7  Look  at the  other  three  extra  questions  in
                             and  everyone  has  their favourite  dish.       Topic  4. Тhink  of  possible  answers  and reсord
                                                                              yourself.  Listen back  to  the  reоording  and  think
                                                                              about  how  to improve  your  answers.
                      3    Look at the  extra  questions  from Topic
                           2 on page  49.  Match  the  questions  with
                           their  funоtions.

                      I    The  foI|owing  sentenсes  are possible  answers   с  ln my оountry,  people  сelebrate  birthdays,
                           to some  of  the  questions  given  in Section  10    weddings  and  other  s  - - - - - -
                           on page  49. Complete  each  gap with  one            occasions  together.
                           word.  Тhe  first  letter  of  eaоh  word  is  given  to  d  lf Iwonalotof  money,  Iw----takemy
                           help  you.
                                                                                 parents  on  a cruise.
                           a  l think  W _-_--_  niсe clothes  is
                              important.  But lp    _towear                   e  lf you  want  to s  - - -  money,  the  best  way
                              сomfortabIe  cIothing.                             is to open  a savings  account  and  put  a set
                                                                                 amount,  for example,  t50,  in  it each  month
                           b lf  you  can  make  your  own  clothes,  it's  great
                              b  _ _  -  _ _  _  you  сan  have them  exactly  how
                              you  want  them.

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