Page 53 - pte 2 2020
P. 53
I Read the Section 11 task instruсtions on c What is the main topiс?
page 52.
d You are asked for a preferenсe between two
a How long does Section '1'1 last? options. What are they?
b Who starts the task by asking a question?
I Look at the test questions again. Answer the b Тhink about supporting ideas for the opinion
questions below. They will help you decide you have chosen. Write them down.
how to manage the disсussion' с Can you think of other supporting points to
а Whiсh of the two opinions do you prefer? add to the list, such as eхamp|es?
I Look at the word lists below. Choose the have more free time, and then eat them
word (a, b, c or d) in each list that doesn't fit in during the week when you're busy.
the group. 3 They can then look after their families better
't People who work in restaurants: in the future.
a сook b waiter 4 For example, you're paying the people who
c cooker d оhef are doing the cooking, for the electricity
and also for the business costs of the place
2 Places to buy food from: where the food is сooked.
a supermarket b sauсe 5 Тhis will really help you if you are trying to
get fit.
с butchers d bakers
6 You can find reоipes online, watch TV
3 Preparing food: cooking shows or buy reоipe books.
a pan b oven
с wash up d freezer a If you know what ingredients go into a dish,
you can make your food healthier.
4 Types of food: b lf you teach your children how to cook,
a snack b сurry they will eat better and have learnt a useful
с bite d onion life skill.
5 Verbs about eating: с When you prepare food at home, it tends
a taste b recipe to be a lot cheaper tha.n eating out or
с cook d smeIl buying takeaways.
d When you eat at a restaurant or buy
6 Adjectives to desсribe how food tastes: a takeaway, you're paying for a lot of
a horrible b full extra costs.
с sweet d hot e lt's not a problem if you can't think of
new things to make every day. There are
2 Look at sentences in '1-6' Еach one gives extra hundreds of different dishes to оook and Iots
information to one of sentenсes a-f. Matсh the of plaсes to find the recipes which eхplain
correсt sentenсes. how to make them.
1 Тhis is beоause you are only paying for the f I don't think it matters if you don't have
food you're going to eat. time. to cook every day of the week. lt's
2 one thing you сouId do is to cook a few still possible to find ways to eat home-
different dishes at the weekend, when you сooked food.
SPЕAKING sEстloN ll 5I