Page 48 - pte 2 2020
P. 48
Тhе Spеaking tеst Iasts sеvеn minutеs in total at B l IеvеI. Thеге aге four sесtions (Sесtions l 0_ l З), Еaсh
sесtion is diffегеnt and thеге aге fouг diffеrеnt task typеs: a longег taIk about youгsеlf and youг opinions,
a disсussion bеtwееn youгsеlf and thе еxaminе[ a desсгiption of a piсtuгe and a role play
Sесtion l0 tеsts how wеll you сan talk without stopping about suЬjесts of peгsonal infoгmation and
intегеst, foг еxamplе, youг last holidays, сlothеs and fashion, sport, youг town ог сity еtс.
In this sесtion, you aге givеn a main topiс to talk about and you havе to spеak foг about onе minutе.
lf you stop talking or гun out of things to saythe еxamineгwill ask you moге questions on thе samе
topiс to help you keеp talking. Тhеsе quеstions heIp you to givе fuгther infoгmation but also ask you
foг youг opinion ori moге gеnеral infoгmation, for еxamplе, about why pеoplе likе somеthing.They
foсus on pгеsеnt situations, геgular aсtivitiеs, past aсtivities and еxpеrienсеs, futuге plans and likеs
and dislikes.
Sесtion l l. tеsts how wеll you сan givе opinions on a topiс and support them,
ln this sесtion, you havе a disсussion with thе еxaminег on a spесifiс topiс. Thе topiсs hеге aге simiIar
to those you might sее in an еssay quеstion. Thеy arе moГе faсtual and it is possibIе to have opposing
opinions, fееling oг idеas about them. Тhе topiс is always somеthing that you сan talk about еasily
using thе languagе lou know.
Sесtion l2 tеsts how wеlI you сan spеak about what you sеe in a piсturе.
ln this sесtion, you will bе shown a piсtuгe of a sсеnе or an еvеnt, hobbies or sports and askеd to talk
about it foг 45 sесonds without stopping. Thе еxaminеr will say Tell me whot you Сon seе ln thе
You wiIl thеn bе askеd anothег quеstion about the piсturе. You may bе askеd how you fееl about
iL This seсtion lasts a totaI of l .5 minutеs.
Sесtion IЗ tеsts how good you aГе at gеneгaI and routinе aсtions in spokеn Еnglish. Foг еxamplе'
saying hеllo and intгoduсing youгself asking for things oг information, giving infoгmation, making oг
aссеpting offегs, thanking somеonе' saying sorry oг asking for diгесtions.
This final seсtion involves a гolе play. You aге givеn l5 sесonds to геad a сard whiсh tеlls you about
a situation and givеs you a paгt to play Thе topiс will aIways bе сonnесted to thе iopiс in Sесtion l2,
Thе сaгd also givеs you infoгmation about what you havе to do. Foг thе task, you may have to soгt
out a smaII pгoblem, Тhe еxaminer will tеll you what thеiг paгt is' you miy havе to woгk with thеm
to solvе thе pгoblеm oг makе a plan'
@) Go b thespeaking Bank on pages 158-.165 for useful language and practice.
(п) Go to Voсabulary mаps on Peаrson Еnglish PortaI for use fu! language' :.
, , \_-/ -
Do Voсаbulary activities oл
l"l 1) Watсh Speaking videos and do
46 ovЕRvlЕW sPEАKlNG