Page 51 - pte 2 2020
P. 51
Now l'd like you to speаk on your own for about 1 minute.
|n the test, the examiner might ask you about any different topics. Here are four eхamples
of topiсs they could ask you about.
о What would be your peffect meal?
Еxtra questions
. What food is popular with people your age?
. Do you think you have a healthy diet? WhyДVhy not?
r What food is traditional where you live?
. How are eating habits changing in your cou
. How important is having nice сlothes for you?
Еxtra questions
о What оan people do with their old clothes?
. Do you think it's better to buy cheap or expensive clothes?
. What are the advantages of making your own clothes?
a d_o you think people like to have fashionable clothes?
. What sort of things do people сelebrate together?
Extra questions
. What happens at your favourite celebration?
. Why do you think people like сelebrating together?
. Do you prefer to сeIebrate with a large crowd of people or a-few
close friends?
оDo celebrate differently now than did in the past?
. What jobs do you think should get the highest sаlaries?
Extra questions
. What would you do if you suddenly won a Iot of money?
. What оan people do if they want to save money?
. What do you like spending money on?
. ls it good for parents to give their сhildren money eaсh week?
SPEAK|NG sЕстloN l0 49