Page 56 - pte 2 2020
P. 56

I    Read  the  Section  12 task  instruсtions  on      b  How  will you  know  when  you've  spoken  for
                           page  55.                                            a minute?
                           a  How  will  you  know  when  you  should  start  с  How  willyou  know  when  Section  12
                             talking?                                            has finished?

                      1    Look  at the  picture  for Seоtion  12A  on page  2  Find  connections  between  things  in  the
                           153.  Answer  the  questions  below.  They  will   Seсtion   '12  picture  and make  sentenсes
                           help  you manage  this  section.                   about  them.
                           a  What  pldоe  is shown  in  the  picture?
                                                                         з    Order  your ideas.  What  are  the  main  points
                           b How  do you  know  this?                         that  you  will  start  talking  about?   $/hat   are
                           с Whiсh tense should  you use  to desсribe         some  iess  important  things  you  could  talk
                              how  people  Iook?  Which  to describe  what    about  at the end?
                             they  are  doing?
                           d  What  is  at the front  of the  picture?

                           e What is at the  baсk?
                           f  Who  is standing  next  to whom?

                      1    Read the sentenсes  below'  Match   '1-6  to a-f  to  a  ln  fact,  there  are  no birds  or  animals  in  the
                           form  short  descriptions.                            picture  at  all. Thеre  is  just  a boy running
                           'l  l really  think  that the  girl  in  the cafё  is  after  a football.
                              waiting  for someone                            b They  look like they  know  each  other  as

                           2 Let's see,  well,  it's hard  to say  for sure,  but  some  of them  are  talking  to others  in the
                              I think  that  the  boy  sitting  under  the tree  group.  They're  also wearing  the same  сaps.
                              is upset.                                       с or  perhaps  he's  just  really  tired.
                           3  lt's interesting  that  it is  a sunny  day but  there  d A lot  of  the  people  don't  look  very  happy or
                              are no  birds  in the  sky.                        relaxed.  Maybe  the  bus  is late  and  they  are
                           4  I suppose  that the woman  on the  bike            worried  they,won't  get  to  work  on time.
                              is going  to work.  She  is  wearing  formal    e She  is  sitting  at  a table  near  the window  and
                              clothing  and  is сyсling  quite  fast.            is looking  outside.  Perhaps  her friend  is  late.
                           5  There  is  a long  Iine  of  people  waiting  at the  f  She  might  just  be going  to  meet  friends
                              bus  stop.  Three  of  the  men  are  wearing  suits  or relatives.
                              so  I think  they're  on their  way  to work.
                           6 So,  I can see  there  is a  group  of  people
                              standing  outside  the train station.  I think
                              they  might  be  together,  perhaps  they  are on
                              a day  trip.

           54         sEстloN.l2  sPЕAKlNG

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