Page 61 - pte 2 2020
P. 61
Seсtion l
Q vou have '10 seconds to read eaсh question. Listen and put a сross ffi in tne box next
to the сorrect answer, as in the example. You have 10 seоonds to choose the correct option
Exаmple What are the speakers discussing?
A П A book by a new writer.
в П д book they are reading.
с E д book by a Writer they know.
1 Who is the woman calling?
AП a hairdresser Remеmbеr that aII
the options might bе
B П a dentist mentionеd and еven
be linkеd. But only one
оП aоarmechanic
answeг is сoггесt.
Question l: Who
2 Where does the man think he left his phone? would want to know
A ! at the cinema thatthewoman doеsnt
havе any pain? ls shе
asking to make an
B П on the bus appointmеnt to havе hеr
C ! in ataxi haiг donе oг to have heг
сaг rеpaiгed?
Question 2: What was
3 Why did the man miss the start of the matсh? thе man doing the last
я ! нe forgot his money. time he геmembегs
having his phone? Did hе
в ! тne traffic was bad. havе it afteг hе got off
thе bus?
c ! нis train was late.
Question 3: Why did
thе man go home? Did
4 What didn't the woman Iike about the chicken? hе tгavеl to thе matсh
6у сad
A! the cost Quеstion 4: What doеs
thе woman say about
B! thetaste
thе tastе of the food'
c П tne amount and about thе сost?
What wasnt she pleased
5 What was one Way the man travelled around the сity? Question 5: What
A! byboat tiсkеts did thе man buy?
Did hе hiге a bikе to
в П ьy ьiкe tгavеl aгound thе сity?
с! ьyьus
LlsТЕNlNG sЕстloN l 59