Page 65 - pte 2 2020
P. 65
Questions 17-21
@ Vou will hear two people talking about buying a present for their mother. First,
read the notes below. Then Iisten and оomplete the notes with information from the
сonversation. You will hear the reсording twiоe.
Еxample Best gift to get: a ................s.h!.r} '................
17 Colour of present:
18 Where to buy the present:
Read thе instruсtions
20 The woman still needs to buy: and the notеs or
sentenсes сarefully
beforе you staгt.
Question l7: What
does thе Woman say
about thе сolouг гed?
What do both speakers
agгее about thе сolouг
Question l8: What
does the man think
about thе dеpartmеnt
stor"е? What doеs thе
ехpгеssion why not try
mеan? Listen сaгefully to
thе spеlling of the name.
Question l9: What
doеsnt thеiг mothеr Iike
Question 20: What
have they alгеady done?
What is stiII on thе
womanЪ list of things
to do?
Question 2l: What
does / m lеoving ot sеvеn
mеan? Whеn will the
Woman be baсk?
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