Page 66 - pte 2 2020
P. 66

Questions  22-26
                                         Read  eaсh  text  and  put  a cross  E  ьy the  missing  word or  phrase,  as  in the  example.


                                                                     ReеуеЕ8rъg  €rъ€e
                                               Please  do  not put  eleсtгiсaI  or  сomputег.'....................  in this  area.
                                               сontaсt  a member  of  staff  who  wiII be happy to heIp  you.

                                          A!  monitors
                                          B !  maсhines

                    lP sТRlP              C  ffi  equipment
                   Read  the  infoгmation  in
                   еaсh  tеxt  сarеtully.  l hе
                   woгds  in thе  text  givе  22
                   you  сlues  to  the  сoгrесt
                                                                             &Resffmffi# Ъffi*
                   Question  22: Why
                   doеs the  гestauгant                    ffiшьЪe's
                   need  feеdbaсk?  Do they
                   want to  make  somеthing  Gustomer  feedbaсk  form
                   bеtteг  oг  woгse?
                                             We  hope  gou  enjoged   уour   vneаI|
                   Question  23: Whiсh
                   Word  mеans  to  te/l     Pleа'se  tаhe  а'  vno,rnent  to  te[[ шs whаt  goш  enjoged  vnost,  аnd  how  шe  cаn   '...'...'...''.'..'...'
                   someone  whot  hos

                                         A!  decrease
                                         B !   improve

                                         G !  manage


                                                            This  сoffee  maсhine  is  сurrentIy  out of order.  The  manager
                                                            has been          and  an engineer  will  be here  soon.

                                         A!  explained
                                         B  !  mentioned
                                         C !   informed

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