Page 64 - pte 2 2020
P. 64
Seсtion 3
Questions 12-16
@ Vou will hear a woman leaving a message for a friend. First, read the notes below.
Then Iisten and оompIete the notes with information from thё message. You wiII hear the
recording twice.
Exam ple Day of theatre tri p : ..........kV..9 ф:wp:dgg.....
12 Name of play:
13 Ticket price: fl..........
14 Theatre website address: www.............................................or9
Listеn сaгefully Some
of the information you 15 Time of oerformance thev'll oo to:
heaг might distгaсt you!
Question l2l You will
hear two possiblе names 16 Best way to get there: by
of plays. How do you
know whiсh one is thе
Question |3: Therе
arе thrее amounts in the
reсording. Whiсh one
will thе woman have to
pay? ls a booking feе the
same as thе pгiсe of a
Question I4: Listen
сarеfully for thе words
website сddrеss as this
will tell you the namе of
the wеbsitе is сoming
soon, and it will always
bе spеIlеd out foг you to
wгite down.
Question I5l Whеn
doеs thе spеakeг finish
woгk? This helps you
find the time that they
сan see the play
Question I6: What
doеs thе Woman say
about paгking nеaг the
theatгe? What doеs lU
rothеr mean? Тhis will
hеlp you work out what
shе thinks is thе best
way to get thеге.
67 sEстIoN 3 LlsТENlNG