Page 63 - pte 2 2020
P. 63

Question  11

        @   vou  wiIl hear  a reсording  about  a trip to the сountryside.  Listen  to  the whole  recording
        once.  Тhen  you  wi|l  hear  the  recording  again  with  pauses  for  you  to write  down what  you
        hear'  MAke  sure  you  spel|  the words  сorrectly.

       € Ез
       € Еr

       # з

        € frl

        € Е1
                                                                                             .   Befoгe  you  listеn
        ф                                                                                     гead  the  instгuсtions
                                                                                              сaгеfully.  Foсus on
        Ф                                                                                     thе  topiс  and  think
                                                                                              about  thе  woгds  you
        € r                                                                                   might  hеaг. Сan  you
                                                                                              quiсkly  think of  any
        # l                                                                                   trip? What  about  the
                                                                                              woгds  about  taking  a
        ffi                                                                                  .  Rеmembег  you  will
                                                                                              listen  twiсе,  but you
        ё                                                                                     shouldnt  write  thе
                                                                                              fiгst  time.  Just  listen
        ST                                                                                   .  'Тhe   rесording.will
                                                                                              for  the  kеy woгds.
        € Еr                                                                                  pause  so that  you
                                                                                              have time  to wгite
        ffi                                                                                   down  thе  words  that
                                                                                              you  hear:  Rеmembeг
                                                                                              to  wгitе  exaсtly  what
        € аr                                                                                  you  hеan Do you hеaг
                                                                                              woгds  this time  that
        € gl                                                                                  you  missеd  the fiгst
        € Еl

        € яl

        € # l
        # I

        € flI

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