Page 59 - pte 2 2020
P. 59
1 Read the Seоtion '13A task instructions on d Will the examiner tell you what the situation
page 58. Answer these questions. is and what their role is?
a How many minutes does this section Iast? e How will you know when to start talking?
b What willthe eхaminer say to you when they f How will you know when the role play
give you the role play card? has finished?
с How long do you have to read the card g How will you know it's the end of the
before the role play starts? Speaking test?
I Look at the information given on the test f Look at the second point on the card. What
taker's card in Section 13A. Then answer the is wrong with the phone you bought? How
questions below. They will help you manage will you explain this to the shop assistant?
the role play.
g lf you don't have the receip!, you may have
a Who are you in the role play? problems returning your item. Think of a
b Where does the role play take place? reason to explain why you don't have it
any more.
с What did you buy from the shop?
d Are you happy with what you bought? 2 Now try to practise what you will say in the
role play. lf it helps, write down your ideas
e There are two points on the card (under the first. Тhink of useful vocabuIary and any other
situation). Look at the first one. How are language it would be good to use.
you going to tellthe shop assistant what
y,ou want to do? What willyou say? Try to
sound polite.
I Look at the sample сonversation for the roIe 2 Match the sentences (a-i) to the functions (1-9).
play in Section 134. Complete it using one 1 Greeting someone
word in each gap.
2 Asking someone to help you
Shop assЬtaлil HelIo, can I 1 3 Giving information
4 Desсribing a problem
Customer:Yes, l'd liкe to'z this 5 Making a request
phone please.
6 Responding to a request
Shop assLsfaлf: oh dear. What's the problem
with it? i 7 Apologising
8 Тhanking someone
Customer: lt3 working after
two days. 9 Saying goodbye to someone
Shop assЬfanl I see. Do you have а Could you give me a new one?
the a b I'd like to return this phone, please.
Customer: I'm5 I must have thrown с Goodbye.
it away by mistake.
d I'm sorry but I'll have to speak to my manager,
Shop asslsianf; oK. Can you wait while l оall e Good afternoon
my manager?
f lt stopped working after two days.
Customer: Yes, of 6 that's fine.
g I wonder if you can help ...
h Absolutely.
i Thank you for your help.
SPEAK|NG sEстloN lз 57