Page 60 - pte 2 2020
P. 60
In Seсtion 13 of the test you will only complete one Seоtion 13 task with the examiner'
Here you wiIl find two Seоtion '13 tasks in Tests 1-5 for you to praсtice.
Now, we are going to take paЁ in a role play. Here is a сard with the situation on it.
Pleаse read it to yourself.
О seсonds
Now let's begin.
Test taker's саrd
You have bought a mobile phone in a shop but you want to return it. You take it
baсk to the shop. The examiner is the shop assistant.
. Тell the shop assistant what you want to do
. Say what the problem is.
. Еxplain why you don't have the reсeipt.
. Agree to wait for the manager.
(Turn to page 152 for eхaminer's card')
NoW, we are going to take part in а role play. Here is a сard with the situation on it'
Please read it to yourself.
LЭ 75 seсonds
Now let's begin.
Test taker's сard
You went to a party yesterday at your friend's house but left youi jacket behind
You meet your friend on the strеet. Тhe examiner is your friend.
. Say yes to your friend but explain what you left at the party.
. Describe the jaоket.
. Say where you think you left it.
. Thank your friend and say goodbye.
(Turn to page 152 for eхaminer's card.)
5B sEстloN lз SPЕAKiNG