Page 62 - pte 2 2020
P. 62
6 What does the woman think about the shop?
я ! тnere Was a good сhoice of сlothes.
в ! тne shop was very оrowded.
с ! тne assistant was helpful.
7 Where are the friends going to meet?
A ! at work
в ! ln a spot1s оentre
сП in acafё
I Which of these shops did the man go to first?
P sтRl я ! tne supermarket
в ! tne pharmaсy
Bе сaгeful! Sometjmes
you will heaг all of the с ! trre bookshop
answег options (А' B or
C) in thе гeсording, but
only one is the сorгесt
answer. 9 What is the woman going to do when she is in town?
A ! return a book to a shop
Question 6: What
doеs thе speakeг think
B ! collect some food
about the assistantЪ
offег? What had she C! meetafriend
hеard about the shop,
and what did she think
of that?
10 What did the boy think about the story?
Question 7: When
does thе man suggеst д П tt had interesting сharaоters.
they eat? Whеn do thеy в ! tt Was hard to understand.
agгeе to go to thе spoгts
сеntге? с П нe didn't expeсt the end.
Question 8: Wherе
had thе man alгeady
looked foг soap? What
is next to thе phaгmaсy
whеге he bought thе
Question 9: What is
гeady today that the
Woman is еxсitеd to see?
Has shе alгеady bought a
prеsеnt foг Ravi?
Question l0: What
does the boy dеsсгibе as
being grеot? What does
hе say about the ending?
60 sЕстloN l LlsТЕNlNG