Page 67 - pte 2 2020
P. 67

Please  note  the use  of mobilе  phonеs  is......................  in this

                                      part  of thе library.

          !  banned
          !  stopped
          !  cancelled

         5                                                                                  TlP  sтRlP
                                                                                            Question  24: Whiсh
                                                                                            word  is usеd  in
                             Р&ъо€gв,aррrу  €m         рe* f,   € Ё  оrъ                    foгmal  situations  to
                                                                                            say  somеthing  is not
                                                                                            Question  25: Whiсh
                                                                                            woгd  mеans  moke  sure
                                                                                            уou  understond  something
          Тhe topiс  for  this  yeaг's  сomPetition  is:Animals  in Aсtion.  Pleasе  ......................  that
                                                                                            Question  26:  lf people
          Piсtures   taken  in zoos  сannot  be  aссepted.                                  nеed  aссess  to  an  arеa  at
                                                                                            any  time,  whiсh  phrase
                                                                                            means  that nothing
                                                                                            should  be  lеft  thеrе?
          !  know                                                                           Does  it makе  sensе  to
                                                                                            say that  an  aгea  must'
          !  realise                                                                        have  pеople  in  it  at  all
          !  note

                            This  аrea  mшst  be  ..............'...'...  at аLLtimes.
                                      Асcsss  nreded  24п.

          !  completely  available
           !   kept  сlear
        C!  in use

                                                                                       RЕADING  sЕстIoN  4          65
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