Page 71 - pte 2 2020
P. 71

Questions  36-39

        Read  the  advertisement  below  and  answer  the  questions.

                  SheIley's  Cookerу  Sсhool

                  Тo Ьook  a сoUrse,  pIеase сomplete  an appIiсation  form,
                  although  you're  not  registеred  until  you  pay  a deposit.
                  Course  lеngths  сan  be anything  from  a day  to а few  weeks,
                  so please see the details page.for  information.

                  The  usual  day inсludes  a сooking  session,  then a meal
                  together,  where you'll  also serve food.  Тhis  is  рart   of every

                  сourse,  but you'll  be pIeased  to hear our staffwash  up! The
                  dining  room  has spaсe  for  twenty,  Ьut  we  keep  student
                                                                                             Question  35:  Two
                  numbers  to eight.                                                         lеngths  of сouгses  are
                                                                                             mеntionеd  in thе  text,
                  At the  end of your  сourse,  you  Can  buy a ShеlleyЪ  reсipe             so  makе  surе  you   рiсk
                  book  at a disсount,  and you'll  reсeive  a сertifiсate  showing          thе shoгtег  onе.
                  aсhievement.                                                               Question  37:  Various
                                                                                             aсtivitiеs  aге  desсгibеd
                                                                                             in thе  text.  Whiсh  onе
                                                                                             will  you  do at  the  mеal?
                                                                                             What  do thе  staff  do so
                                                                                             that  you  dont  have to?
         Еxample  What  must  you  do  to  make  sure  you  have  a place  on  a сourse?
                                                                                             Question  38:  Тheгe
                      .'.....''.p  gg..g'.dgР_g:i!..............                             aгe two  numbeгs  in thе
                                                                                             adveгtisеment.  Whiсh
                                                                                             onе  telIs'us  how'many
                                                                                             people  сan  do eaсh
        з6    What  is the  shortest  оourse  you  оan  do?
                                                                                             Question  39:  Find  thе
                                                                                             paгt  of thе  texL about
                                                                                             thе  еnd  ofthe  сouгse
        з7  What  are  all  students  asked  to do at a meal?                                and  the  two  diffегent
                                                                                             itеms  mentioned  thеrе.
                                                                                             Whiсh  is the onе  that
                                                                                             students  don't  havе to
                                                                                             paу  fod
        з8  How  many  people  сan  attend  each оourse?

        39  What  are  all  students  given  when  they  finish  the  course?

                                                                                        READING  sЕстloN  6         69
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