Page 72 - pte 2 2020
P. 72

Questions  40-46
                                          Read  the  reView  and  complete  the  notes.  Write  no  more  than  three  words  from  the text
                                          in eaоh  gap.

                                               Тhe adventure  of a lifetime

                                               Have  you ever  dгeamed  of diving  in the oсean'  Ieading  an еxPеdition
                                               or  сlimbing  uP  a mountain?  lf the  answer  is 'yes',  Adventure  Тгips  are
                                               foг you!  Wе  offeг  grouP  сamPs  for  sсhool  сlasses  and  young   PeoPle's
                                               orsanisations  in amazing  loсations.


                                               our sеaside  сamP  is very   PoPular   with  groups  who  aгe l< een  to  explore
                    Rеmembеr  to  onIy  use    a Yariety  of wateг  sPoгts.  The  aссommodation  is  just  50  metгes  from
                    woгds  fгom  the  tеxt
                    in  youг  answeгs.  Тhе    a two-I< ilometre  long sandy  bеaсh   _  this  is why  you сan hеar the
                    maximum  numbег  of
                    words  you neеd  is three.  waves!  As  thе  сamP  is Ioсated  on the  West  Coast'  the  wind  and  waves
                    Question  40l  Look  foг   make  this a  Perfeсt  plaсе  foг suгfing.  A few  l< iIometгes  to thе  north
                    a woгd  with  thе  same    of ouг сamp  is a bay  with  сalmeг  water  where  you  сan  try  out  fishing.
                    mеaning  as  wonderful'
                                               Children  over  thе age of l5  сan  tal< e sailing  сlasses  and  aсhievе  a
                    Question  4l:  tind  a     сertifiсate  in  opеn  water  saiIing.
                    phrasе  whiсh  mеans
                    interested  in, Мakе
                    suгe  youГ  answег  flts    Country
                    thе  gгammaг  of the
                                               Aге you ready  to  go  wild?   Join  us at ouг сountry  сamP.  We  sleep
                                                in tents  in thе  сentrе  of  Nyla  National  Paгl< .  You'Il  have  to suгvive
                                               without  eleсtriсity  or Wi_Fi  _  but you'll  see dеer,  bats and  foxеs. You'l|
                                                learn  how  to find  plants you сan  eat and how  to  use'the  sun  and the

                                                stars  to find  your  way.  The  showeг  is a natuгal  wateг-fall  and  wсj  сooI<
                                                over  a fire.


                                                Are  you  aiming  high?  Climb  with  us to  the  pеaI<   of  Mount  Hinds.  Тhe
                                                trip tal< es  five  days  and is only  foг people  aged  l3 and  oldег.  We  will
                                                walk at least  I0 |< ilomеtres  a day,  though  on one day  we  will  have  to
                                                сovеr  l4l< iIometrеs.  ltЪ agood  ideato  tгain  bеfore  you  join  this  trip,

                                                so you сan  сomplete  thе  сhaIIеnge.

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