Page 69 - pte 2 2020
P. 69
Еxample Jay started surfing when
я ! rrer brothers offered to teaоh her.
вffi rrer parents thought she was ready;
с ! rrer sоhool arrangеd some surf Iessons.
7 How did Jay feel at her first national competition?
A ! surprised to be the youngest to оompete
B ! amazed to finish in such a good position
G ! pleased to see how friendly people were
8 What has Jay found hard about her life?
я ! ьeing away from her pets
Question 27: Агe we
B ! оomp|eting her studies told that Jay was the
youngest сompetitoг?
C I missing soсial activities
What madе the day
extгa spесiaI foг hег?
9 How is Jay's new сoach helping her improve? Question 28: What
does Jay say about
A ! He's сhanged what she eats. not bеing ablе to go
B ! He's changed her fitness routine. to danсes? Was thегe
anything she missеd
с ! He's сhanged her equipment. when she tгavеllеd?
Question 29: What
has Jays new сoaсh
0 Jay advises other young sportspeople to suggеsted сhanging?
R ! frave interests away from sport. Question 30: What
does Jay think about
B ! enter lots of сompetitions. pеople spеnding all theiг
с ! learn by watching online videos. time pгaсtising? Does
shе think сompеting is
useful foг еvегyone?
1 Whht is Jay planning to do in the next year? Question 3 l: Jay
doеsnt usе thе words
A ! get involved with teaоhing
tеoсhing, ftlm or сIothes,
but how does she
B ! appear in a film mеntion thesе things?
G ! design some clothes What doеs she say she
wiIl do in the yеaг ahеad?
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