Page 70 - pte 2 2020
P. 70
Questions 32-35
Read the webpage below and ansWer the questions.
Ashley Castle
Ashley Castle was built on the site of a 12lh сentury сhurсh during
the 13th сentury. ltЪ been home to kings and queens, and was given
to the nation by its last owners, the Garret family. During their time,
it was famous for its paintings, but following a fire whiсh destroyed
them, the gardens аre the reason for most visits nowadays. ThereЪ a
tower to сlimb. From the top you сan imagine the forests thаt used
STRIP l to grow nearby, and thereЪ a view of the сliffs 15 kilometres away.
Question 32: Тhe tеxt lnside the саstle, the kitсhen сontains a сolleсtion of interesting
mеntions vaгious. pеople
who have ownеd the doсuments instead of the сooking equipment you might expeсt.
сastlе. Who last owned
it? Who did they give
it to?
Question 33: What
was the сastlе famous
foг in the past? Do
pеople still сomе and
see thеsе now?
Question 34: Тhе text
mentions something that 32 Who owns the сastIe now?
you сould see from the
toweг in the past, but is
no longeг thегe, What
сan visitoгs stiIl sее from
the toweг now? 33 What do most people come"to see today?
Quеstion 35: Can
you stiil see сooking
еquipmеnt in thе сastle
kitсhens now? What сan з4 What сan you see from the tower?
you see theгe?
35 What will visitors find in the kitchen?
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