Page 74 - pte 2 2020
P. 74

Question  47
                                         Use the  inforпiation  in Seсtion  7 to  help  you  write  your  answer,

                                        You  have  read  some  information  about  adventure  оamps'  Now  write  a letter  to your
                                        teacher  about  the trips.  Write  70-90  words  and  include  the following  information:
                                         .  Explain  what  the  company  does.
                                         .  ЕxpIain  why  your  cIass  should  go  on  one  of  the trips.
                                         .  Suggest  which  trip  you  think  is best and  why.


                                        € iI
                   .   the  infoгmation  € ёr
                    in  Sесtion  7 to  hеlp
                    you,  but  Use  youг  own  @
                    words  as muсh  as  you
                    сan'                ffi
                   .  What  kind  of text  do
                    you  have  to wгitе?  ffi
                    Think  about  thе  Iayout
                    and howto  start  and  ffi
                    еnd the  message.  ls
                    youг  mеssagе  going  to
                     be  formal  oг  informal?  Ф
                   .  Тгy  to  wгite  one
                     oг  two  sёntenсеs  ffi
                     whiсh  explain  what
                    Аdventure  Тrips  doеs.  € аr
                     You'll  need  to give  thе
                     namе  of thе  сomPany  # l
                     as well,
                   .  What  are  thе
                     advantages  ofgoing  # l
                   .  on  a tгip  Iike this?
                     What  сould  you  and  ffi
                     youг  fгiends  learn?
                     Нow  сould  it  help  € flI
                     you?  Мake  a  list of
                     somе  advantagеs  and
                     then  wгite  them  into  @
                   .  Мake  surе  you  givе  at  ffi
                     least  one rеason  foг
                     thе  сamp  you  сhoosе'  ё
                     It doеsn't  mattеr
                     whiсh  сamp  it  is; theгe  € Цr
                     aге no  гight  or wгong
                                         € ЕI

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