Page 78 - pte 2 2020
P. 78

                                           Now,  we  are  going  to  discuss  something  together.

                                          The  question  is:  ls it better  to learn  online  or in a traditional  сIassroom?  What  do
                                          you  think?

                                           In this  section  of  the test,  the  examiner  gives you  a  question  and  you  need  to  give
                                          arguments  for  or  against  the topiс.  You  will  have  to come  Up  with the  ideas  yourself  an
                                          they  won't  give  you  any  ideas to start  with.

                                           For praоtice  in  this  test,  you  can  сhoose  one  of the for and  against  arguments  below  t
                                          get  some  ideas of  things  you might  say on this  topic.

                                                  For  studying  online
                    тlP  sТRlP
                                                  .  lt's  good  being  able  to  study  when  you  want.
                     .  You  will have  a
                      disсussion  with  the       .  YoU  can  have  teaоhers  from  all over  the  World.
                      examineг  about  a          o  There's  no  need  to  travel  to  class.
                      question.  Hеге'  the
                      question  is about          .  lt's  easy  to find the  most  reоent  information  onIine
                      Ieaгning  online  oг  in a
                      traditional  сlassгoom,
                     .  Give  youг  opinion
                      about  thе  topiс.  You     Against  studying  online
                      might  think  that  onе
                      way  of  learning  is       .  lt's  good  to get  out  and  have  face-to-faоe  contaоt  with  people.
                      bettеr;  oг  you  might
                                                  .  lt сan  be hard  to motivate  yourself  to  work.
                      think  that  there  aгe
                      beneflts  to  both          .  some  people  don't  like  looking  at  a sсreen'
                      typеs  of  lеarning.  toг
                                                  o  lt's more  interesting  to go  and  do  things  in  real  life.
                      examPlе,  you  might
                      think  that  onlinе  study
                      is bеtteг  beсausе
                      studеnts  dont  have
                      to  travеl  to  sсhool,  oг
                      that  tгaditionaI  study
                      is bettег  bесause  you
                      mееt more  peoplе,
                    .  Develop  and eхplain
                      youг  ideas. Тheгe  are
                      no  right  oг  Wгong
                      answeгs'  as you  arе
                      giving  youг  opinion,
                    .  Thе  еxaminеr  will  ask
                      you  questions  about
                      what  you think,  and
                      also  give  otheг  ideas.
                      on the  topiс  foг you
                      to  talk  about.

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