Page 81 - pte 2 2020
P. 81
Seсtion I
Questions 1-10
o Yoц have 1O seconds to read each question. Listen and put a cross ffi in ttre box next
to the'сorrect answer, as in the example. You have 10 seconds to choose the оorrect option.
Еxample What are the speakers discussing?
д П д book by a new writer.
в П д book they are reading.
с E д book by a writer they know.
1 Why did. the man choose the сoat?
A ! the priсe
B ! the style
с ! trre colour
2 What was the weather like when the man got to the beach?
дП пwaswindy.
вП пwasrainy.
c [-_] ш Was sunny.
3 How did the Woman reaсh the top of the hilI?
я ! sne drove up.
в ! sne walked up.
с П sne cycled up.
4 What are the people going to do together?
AП go out for a meal
B П go to a football matоh
c П go to the оinema
5 What didn't the man like about his journey?
л ! нe traveIled with noisy passengers.
в П нe had to stand.
с ! нe paid a lot for his seat reservation.
LlsTENlNG sЕстloN l 79