Page 84 - pte 2 2020
P. 84

Seсtion  3

                                          Questions  12-16
                                          @  vou  will  hear  a sports  centre's  reсorded  message.  First,  read the  notes  be|ow.  Then
                                          listen  and  complete  the  notes  with  information  from  the  message.  You  will  hear the
                                          recording  twiсe.

                                           Еxample  At weekends,  the sports  centre  closes  at...'............19;1J................  p.m.

                                          12  Students  can  join  for Е...............   .. a month'

                                          13   When  you  join  you  must bring  a(n).................

                                          14   You  should  email  any  questions  to  the  members'  manager  at

                                          15  You  can  have  a free  lesson  if you  want  to  play

                                          16  When  you  join,  you  are  given  a......................

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