Page 87 - pte 2 2020
P. 87
To order a produсt, pleasе to the produсt payment
seсtion of this website.
A! seleсt the information
в ! tollow the Iink
C f ] make your decision
lf you ......................' please 8o to the tiсI< et offiсe to find the
next available train.
A! forget the time
в ! lose your journey
C П miss your connection
rll fill ^ ow ^ o^ Ьors wav.ЁLngto ................. фr
rtt noкL уo^ r's courso ploaso lo+ "s |^ o, Ьу
+ ^ o o^ d of + Ьo
A! register
B! accept
C! choose
RЕАDlNG sEстloN 4 o(