Page 90 - pte 2 2020
P. 90

Seсtion  5

                                         Questions  32-35
                                         Read the advёrtisement  beIow and  answer  the  questions

                                                   Winsley  Country  Park

                                                   opening  times:  April to oсtober  10 a.m. to  6 p.m.,
                                                   and  1O.30  to 5  P...  the rest  of the  year.  lf the  сar  park
                                                   is full, follow  signs  to the  hotel  parking  area  as parking

                                                   is not allowed  on the  road.
                                                   Tiсkets:  f1O for adults,  f5 for сhildren,  students  and
                                                   older people.  Тhere  are grouP  tiсkets,  too  -  ask  at the

                                                   offiсe.  Buy online  for a further  5 perсent  off any  tiсket.
                                                   Еveryone  сan  use  the flat  footpaths,  but the  steps  up
                                                   to the  bridges  may  be diffiсult  for young  сhildren.  We

                                                   offer  daily  walks at 11 4.m.,  starting  at the  pond  and
                                                   finishing  at the  offiсe.

                                          32   Where  оan visitors  Ieave  their cars  when  there  are no spaces  at the  Country  Par

                                          33   What  is the сheapest  way  to buy  tickets?

                                          34   What  is  good  for  people  of all  ages to use in the  park?

                                          35   Where  should  you go  to  join  a walk?

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