Page 95 - pte 2 2020
P. 95
Question 48
Choose one of the topiсs below and write your answer in 100_'l50 words
A You have been disсussing сommunities in сlass' Write an essаy on the
following subjeоt:
Some people think we should all spend more time helping in our local community. Do you
agree that it's important to help your loоal оommunity in some way? Why/Why not?
B You have seen this notiсe in a student newspaper'
Artiсle writing сompetition!
Write an essay about learning from other people. What do you
think people of different ages сan learn from eaсh other? Are i
there any advantages of families spending time learning things
together? What have you learned from people who are older or
younger than you? The best artiсle will win f20! i
Write your artiсle'
Put a cross ffi in tfre box next to the task you have chosen :
WRlТlNG sEстloN 9 o2