Page 100 - pte 2 2020
P. 100
Now, we are going to take part in a role play. Here is a card with the situation on it.
Please read it to yourself.
f} 75 seсonds
Now let's begin.
Test taker's оard
You have just starled a new job. The examiner is your new colleague
о Greet your new сolleague.
. Say how you feel about starting your new job.
. Еxplain why you оan't go to lunch with your new colIeague today.
. Ask about where you сan get some water in the offiоe.
. Thank your new оolleague'
(Turn to page 152 for eхaminer's card')
Now, we are going to take part in a role play. Here is a card with the situation on it.
Please reаd it to yourself.
О seconds
Now let's begin.
Тest taker's card
You are at the beach and a friend asks you to go sailing. Тhe examiner is the
friend you meet.
. Greet your friend.
. Еxplain why you сan't go sailing with them.
. Suggest another activity that you сouId do instead
. say when you сouId do the activity'
. Say goodbye.
(Turn to page 152 for eхaminer's card')
9B sЕстloN l3 SPEAK|NG