Page 101 - pte 2 2020
P. 101

Seсtion  l

      Questions  1-10

      @   vou  have   '1O  seсonds  to  read  each  question.  Listen  and  put  a оross  ffi  in trre  box  next
      to the  correоt  answer'  as in the  exampIe.  You  have  10 seоonds  to оhoose  the  correct  option

       Example  What  are  the speakers  discussing?

           дП  д book  by a new  writer.
            в П  д book  they  are  reading.

            с  E  д book  by a writerthey  know

       1   Why  didn't  the  boy  оaIl  yesterday?

           д  П  нe didn't  have  the  right  number.
            B  П   He  hadn't  charged  his  phone.

            с  П  нe  couldn't  pay  to make  any calls.

       2   What  did  the  сoupIe  think  of the  pIay?

           дП  tt was funny.
            вП  пwasоompIiсated.

            с!  шWassоary.

       3  What  is  the woman  doing?

           A !  сompIaining  about a hotel
            B!  selectingahotel

            GП  recommendingahotel

       4   What  is  the  man's  job?

           A !  aоtor
            B !  writer

            C !  director

       5  Why is  the woman  phoning?
           l  !  to сhange  the  meeting  Venue

            в !  to сhange  the  meeting  time
            C f]  to  сonfirm  the  meeting  arrangements

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