Page 97 - pte 2 2020
P. 97
ow, I'd like you to speak on your own for about'l minute.
the test, the examiner might ask you about any different topiсs. Here are four examples
topics they could ask you about.
Tell me about the most popular team sports in your сountry.
Еxtra questions
. TelI me about a sports matсh you have played in.
. What can people learn from playing a team sport?
. Do you support any sports teams? WhyАffhy not?
a do le like watchin do think?
Tell me about something сreative you hаve mаde
Еxtra questions
. Do you prefer looking at piсtures or drawing them yourself?
. Did you enjoy drawing or painting when you were younger? Why/Why not?
. What sort of things do children often like to draw?
о What kind of pictures do you have on your walls?
ln what ways do you use sociаl media?
Еxtra questions
o At what age is it OK for young people to use social media?
. How can social media be useful?
. Are there any problems with using soсial media?
. How do you think social media will change in the future?
Tel] me about the soЁ of things you reаd
Extra questions
. What kinds of books did you like reading when you were younger?
. What was the last book you read?
. Do you ever visit alibrary? WhyДVhy not?
. Whiсh do you prefer _ paper books or online boбks? Why?
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