Page 92 - pte 2 2020
P. 92
Questions 40-46
Read the blog post and complete the notes. Write no more than three words from the
text in each gap.
Arсhiteсture at the museum
|'ve aIways been inteгested in arсhiteсture, so l deсided to go to
an еxhiЬition at the Design Museum. lt was about the aгсhitесt
Daniel ol< oye. Unfortunately, the entranсe fee wasnt сheap, at
{ l2. Luсl< ily, students сould gettiс|< еts for t7, so l'm glad l had my
studеnt сaгd with mе.
ln the fiгst room, there was a woodеn bool< shelf, whiсh almost
looked lil< e a huge sсulpture. lt was from a libгaгy ol< oye had
designed. Next to the shelf, there werе drawings and photos
expIaining wherе he got the idea foг the design. OkoyeЪ Iibraгy was
inspired by the Congo (a сountry in Afriсa) and he deсided to mal< e
the building in thе shape of a сгown fгom the сountгy. This сrown
has three lеveIs and so does the libraгy. There Was a short video
wheгe ol< oye expIainеd his belief that гeading makes anyone a l< ing
or queen and this is thе reason why he сhose this symbol.
ln another room' theгe weге sсuIptures of animals and plans and
drawings of a сommunity hall. These are for a building Ol< oye is
woгking on гight now. This building is in England and it is neaг to
a site where many dinosaurs weгe found. ol< oye wants to use the
sсulptures in his dеsign to remind the visitors that many other
animals aгe dying out, just Iike the dinosaurs did.
ln total, sеven of ol< oye's Ьuilding designs were shown in this
exhibition and aII of them aгe both beautiful and unusua|. l would
гeсommend this exhibition to anyone who has eveг wondеred
how сreative people get ideas. it realIy doesnt matteг if you arе
PaгtiсulaГly inteгested in aгсhiteсture or not. Тhe pгoсеss fгom
ideas to design is сleaгly explained, whiсh l thinl< is intеresting foг
anyone who is сreative.
90 sЕстloN 7 RЕАDING