Page 91 - pte 2 2020
P. 91
Questions з6_39
Read the webpage below and answer the questions.
Bordon Lake Swimming CIub
Bordon Lakе was сrеated in 1975, with people enjoying
water aсtivities from the Ьeginriing. Sinсe our сluЬ began
in 2О10, we hаve made speсial swimming areas from 300 to
900 metres long. All new swimmers must sign forms stating
they сan swim 400 metres. Swimmers between the ages of
fourteen and sixteen also need to сompIete a swim test _
Ьook in аdvanсe. Wearing a swimming сap in a Ьright сolour
means you'll be seen in the water, and if you don't have one,
you'II need to Ьuy one from reсeption. Don't forget a hot
drink after a swim. You'll get a 10 perсent disсount with your
сluЬ сard in the сaf6.
Еxample When did peopIe start using the lake?
з6 How far must you be able to swim to join the club?
37 What must only swimmers aged fourteen to sixteen do in order to join?
38 What will help people to see you in the lake?
39 What speсial advantage is offered to members in the сaf6?
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