Page 86 - pte 2 2020
P. 86

Seсtion  4

                                         Questions  22-26
                                         Read each  text and  put  a cross  E  ьy thЬ missing  word  or  phrase,  as  in the  оxample


                                                                     Reсyсling  Centre

                                           Pleasе do not  put  eleсtriсal  or  сomputer...........'..........  in this  area.  сontaсt  a

                                           membeг  of staff who  will  be happy to help  you.

                                         AП  monitors
                                          B  !  machines

                                         C  ffi  equipment


                                                             This lift  stops  at the  first floor  only.
                                                               гor.....'..'.............,  please  use  the  lifts
                                                                         in reсeption.

                                        A!  more  stages

                                        в  !  tuпtrer  Ievels
                                        C !  extra  rooms


                                                              No  shoes to bе woгn  afteг  this point.
                                                              only people  using  the pool  aгe  ......................  into

                                                              the poolsidе  aгea.

                                        A!  allowed

                                        B!  expected
                                        с !  taкen

                     sЕстloN  4 RЕADING
   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88   89   90   91