Page 82 - pte 2 2020
P. 82
Sесtion l
6 What does the man need from home?
A ! some clothing
B ! some keys
G ! some money
7 What did the woman like about the hotel?
A! the staff
в ! tne location
C ! ttre fooo
I Where did the girl see her friend Mary?
дП in acafё
в! inashop
сП inapark
I What does the girl need to know, for her homework?
A ! whiсh pictures to include
B ! where to get information
G П what topic to write about
't0 Why is the boy leaving a message?
я ! to make a change to a plan
в ! to remind his friend about a job
c П to suggest how to get some money
80 sЕстloN l LlsТЕNlNG