Page 80 - pte 2 2020
P. 80

Examiner:  Now, we are  going  to take  part  in a role  play.  Here  is a card  with  the
                                         situation  on  it. Please read  it to yourself.
                                         tЭ   75 seсonds

                                         Now let's  begin.

                                                Test taker's  сard
                                                You  want  to  arrange  a trip  to London  for a holiday.  You  go  to a travel  agent's.
                                                The  examiner  is the travel  agent.
                                                 .  ъllthe  travel  agent  where  you  want  to go.
                                                 .  Еxplain  when  you  Want  to go  and  for how long.
                                                 .  Ask about  hotels  in  the  сity  оentre.
                                                 .  Say  whether  you  want  dinner  included  in the  price  and  explain  why.
                                                 .  Accept  the travel  agent's  suggestion.

                                         (Turn  to page  152  for  eхaminer's  card.
                                         ] ТIP  sтRlP  l3A
                                          .  Use  the  time  to  think about  quеstions  to  ask  and  infoгmation  you  nеed  to  pгovidе.  :,
                                          .  Give  thе еxamineг  timе  to  геply  before  you  ask youг  next  question.

                                         Examiner:  Now, we are  going  to tаke  part  in a role  play.  Here  is a сard  with  the
                                         situation  on  it.  Please  read  it to yourself.
                                         Lу   75 seсonds
                                         Now let's  begin.

                                                Test taker's  сard
                                                lt's  your  first  day  at  a new  оo|lege  and  you  are getting  some  information  from
                                                the  college  reсeptionist.  Тhe  examiner  is the  receptionist.
                                                .   Say  hello  and  find  out where  new  students  have  to go.
                                                .  Get direсtions  to  the  library.
                                                .  Say thanks  and  ask  about  the  different  places  to eat  in  the college.
                                                о  ЕxpIain  why  you  don't  have  your  new  student  сard  with  you.
                                                .  Thank  the  reоeptionist  for  their  help.

                                         (Turn  to  page  152  for  eхaminer's  card.)

                                          '  To  сoveг  youг  fiгst  сonveгsation  point  you  сan  staгt  by  saying  Нello,  сon  уou  tell me  whеre  new  studеnts  hсye
                                            to  go,  plеosе?
                                          '  Тo  еxpIain  why  you  dont  have  a student  сard  you  сould  say  l om  getting  mу  studеnt  сord  loter  todoу,  so l don't
                                            hovе  it  уet,  or l hovе  o сord  but  l  lеft  it  ot  homе.

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