Page 79 - pte 2 2020
P. 79
ow, here is a picture of someone in his bedroom. Please tell me what you can see
o page 154 for your picture')
lright? Begin now please.
,J about 1 minute
he examingr might ask you more questions to help you talk about the piсture.
Еxtra question:
. PIease tell me how he is feeling and what kind of trip you think he might go on
ф about 30 seсonds
тlP sтRlP l2A
. Staгt by talking about thе pIaсe you сan seе' and thе pеople or objесts you сan sее.
. Talk about the amount of сlothеs the man is tгying to flt into a small bag.
. TaIk aЬout thе manЪ hobbies,
ow, here is a picture of some people in a room. Please tell me what you'сan see in
he picture.
Turn to page 154 for уour picture.)
Alright? Begin now please.
\l)about 1 minute
Тhe examiner might ask you more questions to help you talk about the piоture.
Еxtra question:
. Who do you think the woman on the phone is talking to and what do you think
the young people will do next?
О about3O seсoлds
. Тalk aЬout who you think thе diffегеnt pеople might be.
. Dont forget to dеsсгibе what you сan seе on the walls.
. Remеmbеr] thеreЪ no гight oг wгong answe6 so.just say what you think!
SPEAK|NG sEстloN I2 77