Page 77 - pte 2 2020
P. 77
Now, t' you to speak on your own for about 1 minute.
ln the test, the examiner might ask you about any different topiсs' Here are four eхamples
of topics they оould ask you about.
a How popular is going to the theatre where you live?
Еxtra questions
. WouId you prefer to go to the theatre or the сinema? Why?
. Do you think it is useful to learn about the theatre and plays at school?
Why/Why not?
. Тell rne about a reсent visit you made to a theatre or a сinema.
. WouId you like to be an actor in the theatre? Why?ДVhy not?
. Мakе suгe you say
moгe than just yеs oг
i l t'x''lЁ'l;.l шri* ;,1lr11'",1u. 'J no to thе quеstions
a Tell me about your neighbours. thе examineг asks
you. Тhеy will expeсt
Еxtra questions you to talk for as long
as you сan.
. How can neighbours get to know eaсh other? . Thе eхamineг will
. What sorts of things might neighbours do to help eaоh other? ask you about your
. Why is it sometimes difficuIt for neighbours to get on with eaсh other? еxpегiеnсe and
. Is it easier to get to know your neighbours if you live in a house or aflal? opinions on some
gеneгal topiсs, oг
about youг family and
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ili(,Ji{ \r : :rl' liliuo{ :i,,r:lir,t0li\'/ othег pеoplе you
knoщ oг the plaсe
Do you think people tаke too many photos these days? Why/Why not? wherе you live.
. Make sUге you
Еxtra questions answег thе examinегЪ
. Are you good at taking photos? WhyДVhy not? question, and dont
staгt talking about
o What do people do with the photos they take?
othег things,
. Тell me about your favourite photo. . Use the timе you havе
. Why do people take photos?
to talk about things
you want to say, but
aIso don't be afгaid
of gеtting an еxtra
a Do you enjoy singing? Why/Why not? question f,гom the
Еxtra questions
. Who is your favourite singer and what do you like about them?
. When and where do you listen to music?
. ls being a musician a good job? WhyДVhy not?
. Should сhildren have music Iessons in sоhooI do you think? Why/Why not?
SPЕAKING sEстloN l0 75