Page 75 - pte 2 2020
P. 75
Question 48
Choose one of the topics below and write your answer in '100-150 words
A You see this information on a blog
JulieЪ blog: Artiсles wanted!
Last week, l wrote about the different p|aсes we get adviсe from,
and I got a lot of positive feedbaсk from you! Тhis time, l want to
know about some good аdviсe someone has given you! Who gave
you the adviсe and did you tаke it? What happened as a result?
l'll inсlude the best artiсle in next week's blog!
Write your artiсle. Look at both questions
сaгеfuIly. What kind
of text do you havе to
Or: writе? Whiсh topiс aге
B Your teacher has given you this essay for homework you moгe сonfident
about? Do you havе
moгe idеas foг option А
We know a lot about сelebrities these days. This is beсause the oг option B?
A: Rеmеmbеr that you
internet and soсial media enсourage them to tell us about their
aгe supposed to wгite an
lives and what they're doing every day. But some сelebrities are aгtiсlе. Think about its
titlе and layout, You aгe
unhappy with this situation.
allowеd to use youг own
A: Who usually gives
Write аn essay in response to the following question: you adviсe? Do you
usually follow thе adviсе
Should celebrities be allowed to have a private life? you rе given? What is the
best adviсe youVe eveг
bееn given? What was
the rеsult ofthе adviсе?
Put a сross ffi in ttзe box next to the task you have chosen B: Think what thе еssay
AП вП type is. Writе thе list
ofaгguments for and
ogoinst the topiс.
B: Would you like to
be a сelebгity? Why/
Why not? What would
bе the advantagеs and
disadvantagеs of bеing
famous? Why do peoplе
find сеlеbгitiеs'livеs
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