Page 89 - pte 2 2020
P. 89
Еxample IsabeI decided to make her own clothes when
A ffi she сouIdn't get what she wanted in the shops'
B ! she asked a family member to teaсh her'
C ! she wanted to earn some money for herself.
27 How did Isabel feel about the first clothes she made to sell?
A ! сonfident that she would seIl them
B ! surprised by how nice they looked
C ! excited to see people wearing them
28 When she was thinking about her future, lsabel was advised to
n ! tinо out what people are wi|Iing to buy.
B П studу hard whiIe she was at school.
C ! get a job with a fashion company.
29 What does lsabel say about people buying her о|othes?
л ! sne keeps сhanging the styles she makes.
B ! People can order exaоtly what they want.
c ! тnere is something for customers of different ages.
з0 Isabel recently had a problem with
я ! ttre priсe of some material.
B П a delay in getting some materiaI
c П tne сolour of some material.
з1 What is lsabel planning to do soon?
A ! get other people to produce оlothes with her
B ! sell other items as well as clothes
с П tinо a shop to sell her оIothes in
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