Page 94 - pte 2 2020
P. 94

Seсtion  8

                                         Question  47
                                         Use the  information  in Seсtion  7 to help  you  write  your  answer.

                                         You  have  read a review  of  an exhibition.  Now  write  an email  to  your  friend  about  the
                                         exhibition'  Write  70_90  words  and inсlude  the following  information:
                                         .  Ъllyour  friend  why  you  want  to go  to  the  exhibition.
                                         .  lnvite  your  friend  to go  with  you.
                                         .  Suggest  another  activity  to do before  or  after  you  visit  the  exhibition.

                                        # r

                                        € Al

                                        € Еl

                                        € Еr


                                        € Еr
                                        # r
                                        € r

                                        € Еr



                                        € ЕI

                                        € Еr

                                        # T
                                        # r

                                        € ёr

                                        # l
                                        # r

           92         sEсTloN  8 WR|TING
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