Page 98 - pte 2 2020
P. 98

Seсtion  ll     tzminutes)

                                        Nowo  we  are  going  to  disсuss  something  together.

                                        The  question  is:  ls it important  to tearn  to  plaу  a musical  instrument?  What  do
                                        you  think?

                                        (Turn  to  page  151  fo see  the  eхaminer's  prompts  for  this  section.  These  are  ideas
                                        the  eхaminer  will  have  to help them  argue  against  anу  points   уou  make.)


          96         sEстloN  ll  SPEАKING
   93   94   95   96   97   98   99   100   101   102   103