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                     ТhеWгitingsесtionsaгеthеlastpaгtofthеwrittеnpapецwhiсhis   lhouгandЗ5minutеsintotal  at
                      B l lеvеl.
                     Thеге aгеtwoWгiting  sесtions  in thе wгittеn  tеst,whiсh  arе Seсtions  8 and  9, Еaсh  sесtion  is
                      diffегеnt.  Foг  thе  fiгst  sесtion  you havе  to wгitе  an infoгmal  oг foгmal  email  oг lеttег  and for thе
                      sесond  you  have to  сhoose  onе  task  to  wгitе,  Неге  you  will  be  askеd  to writе  onе of thгее  task:  a
                      геviеw,  an  еssay  oг  an  artiсIе.

                      Sесtion  B tеsts  if you  сan  wгitе  an  еmail/lеttеr:  lt  givеs  you thе  сhanсe to show  how  wеll  you  сan
                     wгitе  about  youг  idеas,  dеsсribе  things  that  havе  happеnеd,  your  fееlings  and events'

                      Foг Seсtion  B you havе  to wгitе  eitheг  an infoгmal  oг foгmal  еmail  oг lеtten  Тhis  piесe  of  writing  is
                      basеd  on  infoгmation  givеn  in Rеading  Seсtion  7. You  aге  given  a situation,  told  why  you  aге  wгiting
                      and  noгmally  givеn  thrее  key points  you havе to inсludе  in youг  tеxt. Тhе  instгuсtions  will  tеll who
                      you  aге  writing  to.  Тhis  will hеlp you dесidе  if youг  email  or  Iеttег  is infoгmal  (to  a fгiеnd)  oг  not,  You
                      havе to  wгitе 70_90  words.  Usе your  own woгds and  idеas. No  еxampIе  is givеn  foг  this  task. How
                      you  oгdеr  and  link  your  idеas is impoгtant.  lt is important  to tгy and  usе  a rangе  of gгammar  and
                      voсabulaгy,  and  to usе  it  сoгrесtly  You  must  also  usе  сoггесt  punсtuation  and  spelling,

                      Sесtion  9 tеsts  if you сan  wгitе  diffегеnt  typеs  of  texts.  lt  givеs  you  the  сhanсе to show  how  wеll
                      you  сan  wгitе a short tеxt  using  youг  own  idеas'  еxpегiеnсеs  and  knowlеdgе.  It aIso  gives  you
                     thе  сhanсе  to  givе  an  opinion  oг  givе Геasons  to suppoгt  an idеa, How  you order  and  Iink your
                      idеas is impoгtant.  You  shouId  also  tгy and  usе  a Гangе  of grammar  and voсabulaгy  and  to.  use  it
                      сoггесtIy  You  must  also  usе  сoгГесt  punсtuation  and  spelIing.
                      Foг Sесtion  9' thеrе  aге two  diffегеnt  tasks on two  diffегеnt  topiсs.  You  havе to сhoosе  whiсh  onе  to
                      wгitе about.  ln this  sесtion,  you may  сome  aсГoss  diffегеnt  wгiting  forms  (е.g.  a sеt  of instruсtions  oг  a
                      геviеw)  butthеsе  arе  only  usеd  as awayto  pгеsеnt  infoгmation.As  atesttal< егyou  will  only  havеto
                      know  how  to wгitе  an  еssay  an  aгtiсlе  oг a геviеw.
                      Foг еaсh  task option,  you  arе  given  infoгmation  on  a situation  and  told  why  you  aге  writing.  You  havе
                      to  wгitе  l00-  l 50 words  and  use  your  own  words  and  idеas.

                       @    Go  to  the Grаmmar  Bаnk  on  pages  139-1  50  for  referenсe  and  eхtra  praсtiсe'

                       @    Go  to  the  Writing  Bаnk  oл  pages  166-175  for  useful  language  and  practice.

          зB          ovЕRvlЕW  WRlТlNG
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