Page 35 - pte 2 2020
P. 35

Seсtion  6

        Questions  36-39
        Read  the  nevйspaper  article  below  and  answеr  the  questions'


               Geoсaсhing  is a sеaгсhing  game  that  you  play outside.  ovег  two

               million  small  boxes   _  сaIIеd  geoсaсhes   _   aгe hidden-worldwide  at
               the moment,  with  five  million  people  Iool< ing  for thеm.  Boxes  often
               сontain  an oЬjeсt,  a sma|l noteЬook  and  a penсil. The   Person  hiding

               it posts  the  loсation  of the  box on a websitе.  When  someone  finds
               it using  a maP  app,  they  сan keep the oЬjесt  thatЪ  inside,  leaving

               anothег  of equal  value.  Тhey  then  go baсk  to thе  wеЬsitе,  and write
               a сomment  for whoeveг  hid  it. Before  hiding one  youГself,  gеoсaсhe
               for  aуear,  to  see  how  you  get  on  _  many  people  give up  afteг  a few


         Еxample  How many  people  are  taking  part  in  the  activity  at the  moment?

              .............;....-.................f  i.v.9..шil,liqn..

        36  Where  should  information  be  recorded  when  you  hide  a box?

        з7    If  you  find  an  item  and  take  it away,  what  should  you  replace  it with?

        38  What  сan  you provide  for  people  hiding  a  geoсaсhe?

        39  How  long  are  you advised  to geoоache  before  hiding  a box?

                                                                                        RЕAD|NG  sЕстloN  6         ??
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